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Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council
History, Charm & Community Spirit
Latest Parish News
Fighting the Fly-Tippers - County-wide!

The District Council, who is supporting the Essex County Council campaign with local Essex councils to tackle fly tipping – has made successful bid for government funding to further this important cause. The bid has been approved for a new multi-agency project in the Epping Forest district to tackle the growing issue of fly-tipping and environmental crime. The Safer Streets funding of £50,653, combined with an additional £28,233 from Epping Forest District Council, and support from the City of London Corporation, will enable a comprehensive approach to address fly-tipping and other related anti-social behaviour and criminal activities. This collaborative project will bring together teams from Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) and the City of London Corporation (COL), which manages Epping Forest as a charitable trust, to create a robust response to environmental crime. The funding will support a variety of initiatives including:
The project aims to reduce fly-tipping by creating a deterrent for fly-tippers while addressing other issues such as anti-social behaviour, drug-related offences, dangerous driving and littering. In 2022/2023, local authorities across England dealt with 1.8 million fly-tipping incidents costing more than £13.3 million in clean-up efforts. The Epping Forest district has not been immune to this crisis, with statistics showing 2,476 fly-tips being reported in 2023/2024, marking an increase of 9% from previous years. And in Epping Forest alone, where the City of London Corporation is responsible for fly-tipping removal, there were over 300 incidents between 2022/2023. Clearing litter and waste from the forest costs the Epping Forest charity 10% of its annual budget. Fly-tipping is a criminal offence under the Environmental Protection Act (1990) and carries fines of up to £50,000 or even imprisonment. Find out how to ensure your rubbish is not fly tipped in Essex, and how to report fly tipping incidents: |
The 80th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe falls on May 8 2025, and communities up and down the country have been invited to commemorate the event. There are many suggestions – bellringing, flying the flag, picnics, beacons and many more – we as a Parish Council have registered an interest and would like to open the floor to all ideas from the parishioners. If you have a good idea for a community event, please let us know on the usual email address below.