07599 249962
Coronation Line-Up!

Event Location: Stapleford Abbotts
to 08/05/2023
to 08/05/2023
Coronation Line-Up!
Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council is proud to present the first peek at our Coronation Weekend line-up!
In collaboration with St Mary's Church and The Rabbits,
SATURDAY MAY 6 - Family Fun Day at the Rabbits - BBQ, music, childrens' games and activities 3-6pm, DJ and dancing till late
SUNDAY MAY 7 - St Mary's Church Service - all welcome! Service at 2pm, bellringing as part of "Ring for the King" and Afternoon Tea to follow
MONDAY MAY 8 - Big Help Out Community Day - Stapleford Abbotts Church to Lambourne Church footpath walk, between 11-2 with litter pick en route